This program covers the skills to participate as a crisis management team member and manage the organisation through a crisis. It applies to a person who would typically be a manager/senior manager for the organisation.
To enable participants to implement and practice the concepts, principles and procedures required to manage a crisis impacting on the company.
Participants will be exposed to the organisation’s internal emergency management policy and structure as applied to a crisis, including the tools necessary to function at the crisis management level. Elements of the learning program include:
- Define the crisis
- Implement contingency plans
- Establish communications
- Assess the crisis
- Implement crisis management plan
- Document and review crisis and response
- Manage post crisis operations
Upon successful completion of a workbook and participation in a number of simulation exercises, candidates will receive a Certificate of Completion for Manage a Crisis from EMCS.
4 days
Refresher Training
EMCS recommends refresher training in these skills every two years. This is available as a two day program.