Oil and Gas Industry
EMCS provides on going competency based On Scene Commander, Incident Controller and Crisis Manager training and simulation based assessments for the oil and gas industry in Australia and New Zealand and their principle staekholders such as offshore helicopter transport companies. EMCS has also assisted with the delivery of specialist workshops for Welfare and Emergency Operations Centre support teams, as well as designed and facilitated numerous multi-agency compliance and corporate exercises at site, company, regional and national level for the industry.
Major Events
Michelin Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix 2017
Severe thunderstorm approaching….. The Extreme Weather Emergency Plan
developed with assistance from EMCS is ready for implementation!
EMCS provides on going emergency and crisismanagement, as well as threat escalation planning advice to Australian Grand Prix Corporation for both the Australian Formula One and Moto Grands Prix, including:
- Major multi agency emergency, critical incident and operational readiness exercises
- Operational management of the event Emergency Coordination Centre
- Assistance in managing the Event Operations Centre during the events
- Liaison with Emergency Services, Race Control and Grand Prix management during emergency incidents
EMCS has provided emergency management and business continuity planning advice and facilitates emergency exercises for Melbourne & Olympic Parks, hosts of the Australian Open Tennis tournament. This service has included an on site Incident and Safety Manager role for the duration of the Australian Open event.
EMCS provides various ongoing services including emergency management planning advice, exercise facilitation and reputation protection for a variety of other major events and tourist attractions including White Night, The Australian Ballet, Phillip Island Nature Parks (Penguin Parade).
EMCS also provides Safety Adviser services to local government hosted community events.
Local Government Authorities (LGAs)
EMCS provides ongoing assistance to a number of LGAs across Melbourne with various aspects of municipal emergency management including:
- Executive Officer functions for the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee
- Emergency Relief Centre training, planning and exercising
- Emergency management plan restructure, audit preparation and facilitation
- Relief and recovery planning
- Emergency management training for staff who fulfil key organisational roles
- Functional sub plan reviews
- Exercising of Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees and Plans
- Building, facility, sports centre and event emergency management planning
- Business continuity planning and exercises
In addition, EMCS also provides Community Events Safety Advisory services to LGAs.
Educational and Medical Facilities
EMCS has provided emergency management planing advice, training and assistance with exercises for numerous educational and medical facilities including child care centres, primary schools, secondary schools, schools with special needs students and culturally specific schools, universities and clinical and medical complexes.
Independent Risk Reviews and Advice
EMCS was commissioned by the Victorian Game Management Authority to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment of the role of Game Officers who have a compliance role in the hunting industry.
Remote Community Planning
EMCS has assisted a remote community in northern Australia to develop a ‘whole-of-community’ cyclone air-evacuation procedure for in excess of 1500 personnel.
Courts, Tribunals and Correctional Services
EMCS has provided business continuity planning and exercising assistance to the Victorian court jurisdictions and exercise management training to Corrections Victoria. In addition, EMCS has provided emergency management advice and evaluation to the State Coroner, the Coroner’s Court of Victoria and the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine.
Australasian Road Rescue Organisation (ARRO)
EMCS provided the Executive Officer to ARRO assisting this voluntary peak body for over 20 years. The Executive Officer role ensures:
- All administrative and financial matters are managed
- Board papers are prepared for Committee of Management meetings
- Governance and compliance with relevant legislation
- The organisation’s extensive web site is maintained with the latest updates in the field of road rescue.